How/when did you start in the craft beer industry?
I started Out of the Barrel as a contract sales and marketing company for small craft breweries in 2016. I spent my weekends enjoying the liquid and atmosphere at small craft breweries, and asked them how I could help. As it turned out, my skill set was best applied by getting their name out to restaurants, liquor stores, and taprooms. I had a lot of fun while learning a ton about the business, and exploring what defines great craft beer.
What is your drink of choice?
Beer...obviously. I’m a beer lover, not a hater, so I enjoy all styles throughout the day and year based upon my mood and environment.
What do you never leave home without?
A beer koozie; can’t let your beer get warm!
What is your favorite brand at Patrick James?
My favorite jeans are by AG - they’re extremely comfortable while looking high-quality. I also really like the style of Cole Haan oxfords; they make me feel like a responsible adult that still has some character.
Why do you love Patrick James?
Patrick James is able to combine comfortable, stylish clothing with personality. I highly recommend Patrick James to any of my friends who are looking for mature, stylish apparel.